If you see or smell signs of water pollution (see pictorial guide below) it’s vitally important that you report this to Natural Resources Wales (NRW) as quickly as possible. You can do this here…

A suggestion when reporting to NRW

Reporting to NRW has proven to be more effective when something like the below is included (feel free to copy and paste this):

I would like to know the outcome of this report. Please include details of the response:

  1. If visited and date and time of visit
  2. Initial categorisation and reasons
  3. Final categorisation and reasons
  4. Action taken


In addition, we would be grateful if you could complete our form, some of which will be a repeat of what you’ve already done with NRW. This is important because the data we collect will allow us to assess the speed and effectiveness of NRW‘s response to your original report, and to build a long term picture of pollution events throughout the Cleddau catchment. You can do this here…

Reproduced with permission from West Wales Rivers Trust.

Please also look out for slurry pollution. This can happen during or after heavy rain when slurry runs off fields and into the river via ditches and streams causing harm to aquatic and other wildlife. Look out for brown or greenish water that stinks! Examples below…